
Transform Your Future

At Miskatonic University, we revel in the unchartered territories of knowledge, welcoming those who crave the unknown, the esoteric, and the extraordinary. Our ethos reflects a deep commitment to intellectual exploration that has flourished since our establishment in 1769. With a rigorous admission process in place, we consistently enroll students with intellectual prowess, drive, and a taste for the peculiar.

Admissions Process

The journey to Miskatonic University begins in the labyrinthine corridors of our admission process. Be prepared to embark on an intellectually stimulating endeavor, reserved for the brightest minds of our generation.

  1. Download and Complete Application: Embark on your Miskatonic journey by downloading our detailed Application Form. This includes a deeply introspective personal essay, that we hope will offer a glimpse into your aspirations, intellectual strengths, and unique qualities.
  2. Academic Records: Miskatonic seeks students who consistently demonstrate academic excellence, with authenticated records showcasing a standing in the top 5% of your class.
  3. Standardized Test Scores: Submit your top 5th percentile scores from SAT or ACT. For those navigating the English language, proof of proficiency via TOEFL or IELTS scores is required.
  4. Letters of Endorsement: Garner an endorsement letter from a current Miskatonic University professor or alumnus, or present proof of a minimum of 10 years residency in Arkham. This non-negotiable step fortifies your potential to thrive amidst our rigorous academic environment.
  5. Interview: Those who withstand the initial steps are then invited to an intricate interview process involving debates, problem-solving exercises, and a potential gateway to other dimensions of knowledge.

Remember, fulfilling the above requirements does not assure admission, as the process involves a comprehensive review of each application. We seek students that exhibit academic prowess, unique personal qualities, leadership potential, and a palpable passion for their chosen field.

Admissions Timeline

The quest to Miskatonic commences in the Fall of the preceding academic year. Given the intricate nature of our admission process, we advise starting as early as possible.

Finances and Scholarships

Limited financial aid opportunities and scholarships are available for those demonstrating exceptional academic promise intertwined with financial need.

Submit Your Application

Once you’ve completed your journey through the comprehensive application form, you can submit your application either through our Application Submission Portal or via mail.

Should you have any inquiries or need guidance through the shadowy corners of this process, our Admissions Office stands ready to assist.

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