Recent Publications

New Frontiers of Knowledge

Miskatonic University is proud to present the groundbreaking research and scholarly contributions of our faculty members. As of June 3rd, 2023, we have implemented a new policy to make these papers accessible to the public. Going forward, all papers will be made available for public access and exploration.

Please note that historically, it was not the practice of Miskatonic University to provide full papers to the public. However, we believe in the importance of sharing knowledge and fostering a spirit of intellectual curiosity and collaboration. With this new policy, we are excited to open up our faculty’s research to a wider audience, allowing readers to delve into the cutting-edge discoveries and insights achieved by our esteemed scholars.

We encourage readers to explore these publications, as they represent the diverse range of research interests and expertise within our faculty. The papers cover a wide array of academic disciplines, including but not limited to humanities, sciences, arts, and social sciences.

Thank you for your interest in the research endeavors of Miskatonic University faculty. We hope you find inspiration and new insights within these pages as we embark on this exciting new era of knowledge sharing.







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